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Q: How do you convert steam tonnes to megajoules?
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Convert 18606 ton miles to megajoules?

To convert ton miles to megajoules, you would need to know the efficiency of the conversion process. Without this information, it is not possible to provide an accurate conversion.

How do you convert zetta tonnes to tonnes?

To convert zetta tonnes to tonnes, you would multiply the number of zetta tonnes by 10^21. This is because one zetta tonne is equal to 10^21 tonnes.

Convert grams per hour to megajoules?

Those units are unrelated, and uncompatible - can't be converted. Grams / hour has units of mass / time. Joules or megajoules is a unit of energy.

How do you convert cubic meters to tonnes?

To convert cubic meters to tonnes, you need to know the density of the material you are measuring. Multiply the volume in cubic meters by the density in tonnes per cubic meter to get the weight in tonnes. The formula is: weight (tonnes) = volume (cubic meters) * density (tonnes per cubic meter).

How many megajoules in 1000 ton miles?

To convert ton miles to megajoules, you would need to know the specific energy consumption rate of the transportation method used to move the 1000 tons over the distance in miles. Once you have this rate, you can multiply it by 1000 ton miles to get the energy in megajoules.

What TPH steam?

quantity of steam generated in a boiler is usually measured in TPH ie tonnes per hour

How do you convert steam usage in tonnes to Kwh of gas consumed?

To convert steam usage in tonnes to kWh of gas consumed, you need to consider the energy content of the gas being used. First, determine the heat content of the gas in kWh per tonne. Then, multiply the steam usage in tonnes by the heat content of the gas to get the total energy consumed in kWh. This calculation accounts for the efficiency of the system and provides a direct comparison of energy consumption between the two sources.

Convert 35000 lbs into metric tons?

35,000 pounds = about 15.9 tonnes. (divide pounds by 2,204.6 to get tonnes)

How do you convert from kilogram to ton?

kg divided by 1,000 = tonnes

How do you convert tons to kg?

Tonnes divided by 1,000 = kg

How do you convert grams to tonnes?

1 tonne = 1,000,000 grams

How do you convert pounds to tonnes?

European convert: 1 tonne = 1000 kg = 2000 pound US convert: 1 short ton = 2000 pound UK convert: 1 long ton = 2240 pound