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From the amount of information provided in the question, the only way is by measuring it.

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Q: How do you determine the height of triangle?
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How do you determine the height of an equilateral triangle?

It is the height of the perpendicular line from its vertex to its base

How do you determine area of scalene triangle?

Area of any triangle: 0.5*base*perpendicular height

How do you figure out the height and length of a triangle with 6 square units?

The area of a triangle does not provide enough information to determine its dimensions.

What is the formula to determine the area of a right triangle?

to find the area of any triangle follow the formula: 1/2(b*h) "B" - stands for the base of the triangle "H" - stands for the height of the triangle

What is the height of the side of a right triangle with an area of exactly 3000 square feet how do I calculate for this?

You cannot determine the height from the information provided: more is required.

What is the height of the side of a right triangle with an area of exactly 1000 square feet how do I calculate for this?

You cannot determine the height from the information provided: more is required.

What is the length in inches of a triangles altitude if its base is thirty-two inches?

I suppose by "length of a triangles altitude" you mean height. The height of the triangle in question cannot be determined from the information given. In order to determine the height of the triangle, two dimensions must be known.

How could you determine the area of a triangle?

Good Question! First, multiply the base x height. Then, divide the answer by 2.

What is the third side of a triangle if the area is 39squared and the base measures h plus 7 and the height measures h?

The base is 13 units and the height is 6 units so use these dimensions to determine the 3rd side of the triangle.

How do you find the base of a triangle when you already know the height?

There is no relationship between the base and the height: the two are entirely independent. So knowing one does not help determine the other.

When calculating area what are the similarities between triangles and parallelogram?

Parallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*Height

The base of a triangle is 8 cm. the triangle has a area of 28cm2 the height of the triangle is cm?

Area of Triangle = 1/2 base x height 28 = 4 x height height = 7 cms