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The area of a triangle does not provide enough information to determine its dimensions.

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Q: How do you figure out the height and length of a triangle with 6 square units?
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What is the definition of the area of a figure?

Depends on the figure: square/rectangle is length time height Triangle is .5base times height Circle is pi r^2

How can you find the base of a right triangle when you have the height and hypotenuse?

The square of the length of the base plus the square of the length of the height will equal the square of the length of the hypotenuse of your right triangle, per Pythagoras. Square the hypotenuse, subtract the square of the height, and then find the positive square root of that and you'll have the base of your right triangle.

How do you find out how many square meters are in a triangle?

The area of the triangle in square meters is (1/2 the length of the triangle's base, in meters) times (the length of the triangle's height, in meters).

How do you find the height of an equalateral triangle?

To find the altitude or height of an equilateral triangle, take one-half of the length of a side of the triangle and multiple by "square root" of 3. So, if for example, the side has length 10, the height = 5 Square root of 3.

How do find the area of an isosceles tringle?

The area of ANY triangle is base x height. The height must be measured perpendicular to the base. In the case of an isosceles triangle, if you know only the length of the sides, you can figure out the height by Pythagoras' Theorem.

If a square and a triangle have an area of sixty four square centimeters if the length of the triangle is the same as the length of a side of the square what is the height of the triangle?

You do not indicate if the given area is the total area of the square and the triangle. Or whether they are equal values.

How is finding the area for a square and triangle alike?

-- For both shapes, multiply the length of the base by the height of the figure. -- For the triangle only, take 1/2 of the result. -- Now you have the area of each shape.

How do you figure out squares on roof shaped like triangle?

Figure width X 1/2 length of the triangle to get Square feet.

How do you figure square footage of an area from total perimeter?

Triangle Area = ½base × height Square Area = length of side to the power of 2 Rectangle Area = breadth × height Parallelogram Area = breadth × height Circle Area = πrto the power of 2

What is the area of the triangle if the length is 5 and the height is 3?

7.5 square units

Select all the triangles that would have an area of 18 square inches. Answer Choices A triangle with a base length of 9 in. and a height of 2 in. A triangle with a base length of 9 in. and a height of?

The first is clearly not a suitable triangle.

What is the side length?

it depends on what shape it is. square: perimenter/4 is one side's length. triangle: perminter/3 rectangle: perimeter/height = length or perimeter/length = height