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Q: How do you determine the possiblitiy of four outcomes?
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There is a spinner with three sections on it If you spin it four times how many possible outcomes are there?

There are 3 possible outcomes for each spin of the spinner. To find the total number of possible outcomes after spinning it four times, you would multiply the number of outcomes for each spin (3) by itself four times (3^4), resulting in 81 possible outcomes.

Do you divide to find the probability?

Yes, you divide the number of expected outcomes by the number of possible outcomes in order to determine probability.

What can the principles of probability can be used for?

To determine the outcome of genetic crosses.

What do you use to determine the probable outcomes of genetic crosses?

A Punnet Square.

If you flip a coin 2 times how many possible outcomes are there How many combinations?

Four outcomes, three combinations.

If you spin 2 spinners once how many possible outcomes are there?

To determine the amount of possible outcomes, there must be a number of sections for each spinner

A sweater comes in 3 sizes and 6 colors what is the number of possible outcomes?

The number of outcomes depends on what the experiment is! If the variable of interest is the size, there are just three outcomes. If the variable of interest is price, then there is not enough information to determine the possible outcomes.

Four coins are tossed. How many outcomes are possible?

8 outcomes are possible in this situtation. You just have to multiply 4 by 2 to get the answer.

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A binomial trial is one in which there are four possible outcomes.?


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What is the size of the sample space for all the outcomes possible from rolling four dice?

There is 6 possible outcomes per roll of a die. So, there are 6*6*6*6 outcomes or 64 or 1296 possible outcomes.