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The dependent variable is located on the Y axis. The independent variable is located on the X. The dependent variable changes in response to the independent variable changing, while the independent variable is the variable that is purposefully changed in an experiment.

It's easy to remember -I-ndependent, -I- change.

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Q: How do you determine which variable is your independent variable and which is you dependent variable in chemistry?
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An variable is changed to determine how it will affect the dependent variable?

The type of variable that responds to the dependent variable is called the independent variable.

What are the differences between independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are controlled or manipulated by the researcher to determine their effect on the dependent variable. Dependent variables, on the other hand, are the outcome or response that is measured in an experiment. The independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable.

How do researchers determine which of the variables are dependent or independent?

The variable that you can manipulate in the experiment is always the independent variable. The quantity that changes as a result of your manipulation is the dependent variable.

What is the difference between dependent and independent variable in chemistry experiments?


Which of te following describes an independent variable?

An independent variable is a factor that is manipulated or chosen by the experimenter to determine its relationship with the dependent variable. It is the variable that is changed or controlled in an experiment to study its effect on the dependent variable.

What is definition and examples of dependent variable and independent variable?

I'm doing a science project on if fingerprint patterns are inherited? what is the control, independent variable and dependent variable? An ''independent variable is a ''variable which is presumed to affect or determine a dependent ''variable. independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.'''''' Example; In price and sales relationship one can manipulate price to check its effect on sales, so sale is dependent and price is independent variable.

Does the dependent variable depend on the independent variable?

Yes, the dependent variable is influenced by changes in the independent variable. The relationship between the two variables is typically investigated through statistical analysis to determine the extent of this influence.

Factor in an experiment that results from or depends on changes to the independent variable?

In an experiment, a factor that results from changes to the independent variable is the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what researchers measure and observe to determine the effects of manipulating the independent variable. It is the outcome or response that is influenced by the changes in the independent variable.

Is the dependent variable measurable?

Yes, the dependent variable is the factor being measured or observed in an experiment or study to determine its relationship with the independent variable. It should be quantifiable or observable to assess the impact of the independent variable on it.

What is independent a dependent variables?

The independent variable is the variable that is altered by the scientist, and the dependent variable's value is dependent on the value of the independent variable.

Is the dependent variable or the responding variable the one being tested in an experiment?

The dependent variable is the one being tested in an experiment. It is the variable that is measured or observed to determine the effect of changes in the independent variable. The independent variable is manipulated to see its effect on the dependent variable.

What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.