Either pull out your sixth-grade notebook and review the process of long division,
or make an appointment to sit down with your math teacher and go over it.
Move the decimal to the right until they are both whole numbers.You can divide them now.
rounding whole numbers and decimals
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions
You use short division for decimals by whole numbers, then replace the decimal point in between the numbers, the answer is 15.0
No because whole numbers are integers that do not have decimals or fractions attached to them.
Move the decimal to the right until they are both whole numbers.You can divide them now.
If you are making use of long division method, the process of dividing a whole number is actually a subset of the process of dividing the decimals. While dividing both you may get a quotient with decimal places. Some exceptions to this do exist in case of whole numbers. Like when you are dividing 100 by 2, the quotient 50 has no decimal places.
rounding whole numbers and decimals
Factors must be whole numbers, not decimals.
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions
Exactly the way you would divide them if they were whole numbers and not decimals. The only extra trick to learn is how to decide where to put the decimal point in the quotient.
You use short division for decimals by whole numbers, then replace the decimal point in between the numbers, the answer is 15.0
No because whole numbers are integers that do not have decimals or fractions attached to them.
Whole numbers contain no fractional part as do decimals
Exactly the same way you do when they're all whole numbers, or there are more than three numbers, or they're a mixture of whole numbers and decimals: -- Add up all the numbers on the list. -- Divide the big sum by the number of items on the list.
Decimals are real numbers. Furthermore, integers and whole numbers are the same thing.
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)