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64 written in base 2 is 1000000

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Q: How do you do 64 with the base of 2?
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How do you convert base 10 64.25 to base 2?

64.2510 = 64 + 1/4 = 26 + 2-2 = 1000000.01 in base 2.

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What is the formula to find the base of a triangle sail with a height of 16 feet and area of 64 square feet?

1/2 base x height so 1/2 B x 16 = 64. 1/2 of 16 is 8 and 64/8 = 8 so the base is 8 feet

What is the answer to 2 as the base and 64 as the exponent?

Since you can calculate this in any scientific calculator (or in Excel, typing: = 2^64), it really doesn't make sense to ask that here.

What is 1000000 multiplied by 5?

The obvious answer is 5,000,000 but... If the 1000000 is in base 2 (binary) and the five is in base 10 (decimal) then 1000000 equals 64 in base 10; 64x5 = 320 which is 101000000 in base 2.

What is 3210 base 4 plus 210 base 3 plus 10 base 2 in base 10?

Convert each value to base10 & then sum In base4 the places are 1, 4, 16, 64 So 3210 base4 = 3*64 + 2*16 + 1*4 = 228 In base 3 the places are 1, 3, 9,27 So 210 base 3 is 2*9 + 1*3 = 21 In base 2 the places are 1,2,4,8 So 10 base 2 = 1 * 2 = 2 So 228 + 21 + 2 = 251

How are base 16 and base 2 systems related?

2^16th (hexadecimal) is 64 times larger than 2^1st (binary). They basically represent the same data otherwise.

What is the number for 1023 base 4?

10234 = 1*43 + 0*42 + 2*41 + 3*40 = 1*64 + 2*4 + 3 = 64 + 8 + 3 = 75

How do you work out the area of a right angle triangle with an hypotenuse 2 units greater than its height and has a base of 8 units?

Let the hypotenuse be (x+2) and the height be x and use Pythagoras' theorem:- (x+2)2-x2 = 82 (x+2)(x+2)-x2 = 64 x2+4x+4-x2 = 64 4x+4 = 64 4x = 64-4 4x = 60 x = a height of 15 units Area = 1/2*base*height = 1/2*8*15 = 60 square units

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Area = base x altitude /2 so base = 2 x area/altitude = 64/6 = 10 & 2/3 cm.

What is the base in algebra?

the base is the number you start with... like 8 squared... your base will be 8 and your square will be 2... that means 8 squared would be 8x8... = 64... hope this helps!!

What does 67 equal in base two?

67=64+2+1 =26+21+20 =1000011