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ultrasound is used for scanning e.g. pregnant womens to check if the feotus is growing in better health

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Q: How do you do an ultrasound?
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Is ultrasound 100 percent sure?

Ultrasound is a widely used diagnostic tool that provides valuable images of the inside of the body, helping doctors identify and assess various conditions. While it is a reliable and non-invasive method, it is not always 100 percent accurate. The effectiveness of an ultrasound largely depends on factors such as the skill of the technician, the quality of the equipment, and the patient's body type. For example, in cases where there is excess body fat or gas in the intestines, the image quality may be reduced. Additionally, certain conditions, like early-stage cancers or very small abnormalities, might be harder to detect with ultrasound alone. While ultrasound is effective in diagnosing many conditions, it is often used in conjunction with other imaging methods or tests for a more complete diagnosis. For those seeking ultrasound services in Patiala, it is important to choose reputable centers for more accurate results. Rapid Laboratory Address: Bhadson Rd, Prem Nagar, Patiala, Punjab 147001 Phone No: 09504901234

What is a ultrasound cart?

A cart which a/an ultrasound is placed

What is the cpt revenue code for ultrasound?


Which is better ultrasound or infra sound?


Are there any uses of ultrasound in medicine?

yes when you get an ULTRASOUND when your pregnant it use ultrasound waves to show the image.

Is Ultrasound painful?

Ultrasound is generally a painless procedure

What do you call a person who can read ultrasound?

An ultrasound technician.

Who uses ultrasound?

Animals use ultrasound but i do not know what animals do,

How do you spell ultrasound in German?

The German word for ultrasound is Ultraschall

What is the functionality of ultrasound?

Ultrasound is typically performed by a trained ultrasound technologist, it involves using sound waves to get an image of the reproductive system.

What does the abbreviations mean on the ultrasound?

Ultrasound is typically abbreviated u/s, US, or sono.U/S or US is the medical abbreviation for ultrasound.

Who hears ultrasound?

No one is able to hear ultrasound; the frequency of the sound used is far higher than the audible limit of any person or animal. A sonographer will conduct an ultrasound. Ultrasound in the same way that bats navigate - by listening to echos. ultrasound is reflected in propotion to the density of soft tissues. an ultrasound displays the results of these echos.