Double-digit division requires that you create as many two-digit dividends as needed by bringing down another digit, or by adding a zero behind the decimal point.
Example: 318/15 = 21.2
The first division is 15 into 3, which does not go. So the next step is to use the 3 and the 1 -- 15 into 31 is 2, with a remainder of 1. Now bring down the 8 and divide 15 into 18, which is 1 with a remainder of 3. Finally, place a decimal point and create a zero after it (the dividend now reads 318.0) so that you can divide 15 into 30 -- which is 2 and comes after the decimal.
This long division is easier to demonstrate graphically.
15 / 318.0
Mental math like if 12 into 72 it will not be a double digit if you divide 100 by 10 it will be double digits. Most times if you have a tripple digit number and divide it by double digit the answer will be a double digit.
welll yjh
that i need help on divsion with one digit
There is no such ratio that applies for all single-digit and double-digit integers.
That is correct. Considering the largest double digit whole number is 99. Unless of course, you mean adding the two digits of a double digit number alongside the two digits of another double digit number, then yes, you will have a 4 digit number. Depends how you interpret the question, and your creativity.
Yes. By 1 digit, 2 digit and some even by other 3 digit numbers.
10+59,000=..... *76 to get ur answer
It is known as "double digit inflation". It is certainly NOT hyper.
Well its complicated to explain.
Mental math like if 12 into 72 it will not be a double digit if you divide 100 by 10 it will be double digits. Most times if you have a tripple digit number and divide it by double digit the answer will be a double digit.
Double the last digit. Subtract it from the rest. If the result is divisible by 7, the original number is divisible by 7.
welll yjh
To look at the numbers in the division problem
that i need help on divsion with one digit