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multiply it by 2

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Q: How do you double a number?
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If you double the number will the number of factors double too?

Not necessarily.

How do you half and double fractions?

To halve a fraction, double the denominator (the bottom number). To double a fraction, double the numerator (the top number).

What is the double number?

a double number is when somethin goes it for e.g. double 15 are thirty. My god you don't know that?

Square root of a double complex number?

Do you mean like a double floating point number, which is a complex number; or a double matrix type number like in the related link on

This element has an atomic number that is double the atomic number of silicon?

The element with an atomic number that is double the atomic number of silicon is germanium (atomic number 32), as silicon has an atomic number of 14.

What happens to the number if you double one of the its prime factors?

The number itself becomes double.

Progran code for square root in c language?

/* program to find Square Root of a given number. */ #include #include double Abs(double Nbr) { if( Nbr >= 0 ) return Nbr; else return -Nbr; } double SquareRoot(double Nbr) { double Number = Nbr / 2; const double Tolerance = 1.0e-7; do Number = (Number + Nbr / Number) / 2; while( Abs(Number * Number - Nbr) > Tolerance); return Number; } int main() { double Number ; double Nbr; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter any number:"); scanf("%lf",&Number); Nbr=SquareRoot(Number); printf("The square root of %.2lf is %.2lf", Number,Nbr); getch(); }

What is double a number in algebraic expression?

Double mean to multiply.For example: the algebra expression 2x can be written in the English Phrases like-Double a Number-Twice a number-Two of a number-Two times a number-or the product of two and a number.

What is a double prime number?

"Double prime" is a term used in calculus. I have found no information on anything called a "double prime number".

What does double the original number mean?

It means to multiply the number by 2 or to add it to itself. So if the original number is 10, then double that number would be 20.

How do you work out the 100th odd number?

1st odd number . . . 1 (1 less than double 1)2nd odd number . . . 3 (1 less than double 2)3rd odd number . . . 5 (1 less than double 3)4th odd number . . . 7 (1 less than double 4)5th odd number . . . 9 (1 less than double 5)Are you seeing a pattern yet ?6th odd number . . . 11 (1 less than double 6)7th odd number . . . 13 (1 less than double 7)...Qth odd number . . . . (1 less than double Q)

How do you calculate the 100th odd number?

1st odd number . . . 1 (1 less than double 1)2nd odd number . . . 3 (1 less than double 2)3rd odd number . . . 5 (1 less than double 3)4th odd number . . . 7 (1 less than double 4)5th odd number . . . 9 (1 less than double 5)Are you seeing a pattern yet ?6th odd number . . . 11 (1 less than double 6)7th odd number . . . 13 (1 less than double 7)...Qth odd number . . . . (1 less than double Q)