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Q: How do you draw a shape with a perimeter of 9?
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How do you draw a perimeter that comes to 9?

Perimeter is the length of all sides of a shape. So to draw a perimeter that comes to 9 just make sure that when you add up the length of all the sides of whatever shape you make that it adds up to 9 units.

How do you draw a shape with the same area and perimeter?

To draw a shape with the same area and perimeter, decide what shape you want to draw, then take the equations for area and perimeter and make them equal, and then solve what the various side lengths have to be. For instance, the area of a square is L2 where L is the side length, and the perimeter of a square is Lx4 We want them equal, so L2=Lx4 Dividing both sides by L gives us L=4, so if I draw a square with side length 4, it will have the same area and perimeter.

What shapes have the same perimeter?

It depends on how long do you draw the shape example you can draw a 6cm square and you draw a 8cm square they are different . So it really depends on how the shape is measured.

Can you draw a square with a perimeter of 20?

You can draw any shape you want with a perimeter of 20. For a square, make each side 5. For a triangle, 62/3 , etc.

Can you draw a shape that the area is numerically twice the perimeter?

No, but I can tell you that an 8 x 8 square has an area of 64 and a perimeter of 32.

How do you draw an 11 perimeter shape?

Draw an isosceles triangle with sides 4, 4 and 3 Draw a square with sides 2 and 3/4

How do you make a shape with a perimeter of 9cm?

you cant do that becaues to get a perrimetr you need to add all the sides. when you do that it wll either be less then 9 or more then 9 in conclusion you cant get a shape that has a perimeter of

How do you draw a shape in which is the perimeter numerically twice the area?

Pick a unit. Draw a square that has two of those units on each side.

What is shape with a area of 9 and perimeter of 20?

1 x 9 rectangle

How do you draw a shape with a 9cm perimeter?

Think about two numbers whose multiplication is 9 or simply think about the factors of 9. Factors of 9 are 3x3 Now see perimeter of rectangle is 2 times sum of length and breadth. Perimeter of rectangle is 4 times side. 2 and 4 are of the factors of 9. So the figure cannot be rectangle or square. Perimeter of triangle= Sum of all sides 9 = 1+3+5 =9 Hence it is possible to have a triangle with perimeter 9cm as there are various numbers whose addition could be 9. So the figure could be triangle.

A shape with the perimeter of 9cm?

any 2-D shape could have a perimeter of 9cm. One example is a square with sides of 9/4 cm.

Is it possible to make a shape with an area of 9 and a perimeter of 14?
