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Use four to make a normal square and put two lines on top of another

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Q: How do you draw square with 6 lines?
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Can you draw a square with 3 lines?

you draw a square with 3 lines inside it.

How can you draw squares divided into eights?

draw a square and then draw 7 lines in it

How do you draw a toaster?

You can try using a grid, take a picture of the toaster, Draw lines across the paper perfectly, put those lines on a bigger piece of paper(enlarging the lines) and draw square by square.

Can you draw a square with only 2 lines?

2 straight lines? no :( but if you bend the lines, yes you can :D

How do you draw a quadrilateral that has exactly 2 perpendicular lines?

make a square

Draw a square with 3 lines?

It is not possible without some form of trickery.

What are the uses of a set square in engineering drawing?

answer:-to draw vetical and inclined lines

Can 6 lines make a square?


Ways in dividing a square into 4 equal parts?

You could draw in the two diagonals (from corner to opposite corner). You could draw two perpendicular lines to develop four squares inside the existing square. You could draw three parallel lines to develop four equally-sized rectangles within the square.

How do you draw a square with 8 equal parts?

Draw a square. Add the two diagonals. Draw lines from the midpoint of each side to the midpoint of the opposite side. You will now have a square divided into 8 congruent [isosceles, righ-angled] triangles

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What triangles are formed when you draw 2 diagonal lines through a corner of a square?
