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The zero product property is used to solve equations using factoring.

Ex x2 + 5x = 4 .... 1st rearrange to = 0

x2 - 3x- 4 = 0 .... now factor left side

(x-4)(x+1) = 0 .... now make 2 separate equations and solve

x-4 = 0 so x = 4 .... x+1 = 0 so x = -1

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Q: How do you factor with the zero factor property?
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What is zero property?

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the zero property in math is when you multiply by zero which is the multiplicative property of zero or it is when you add zero to anything and get zero that is called the additive property of zero

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The special property that zero has is that if you multiply zero by any number, you get zero.

What is the math property of zero?

The property of Zero states the anything multiplied by zero = zero and that anything divided by zero is undefined.

What is the property of 0?

One interesting property is that zero, multiplied by any number, is zero.One interesting property is that zero, multiplied by any number, is zero.One interesting property is that zero, multiplied by any number, is zero.One interesting property is that zero, multiplied by any number, is zero.

What is the second step in solving a nonlinear equation by substitution?

1. Substitute 2. Rearrange to equal zero 3. Factor if possible and use the zero product property to solve. 4. If you can't factor, graph and look for zeros (where it crosses the axis)

If a number is added by zero what property is that?

It's the Identity Property of Zero.

What is the property shown when you multiply a number by zero?

math error is incorrect for this question because it is applied when you divide a number by zero which doesn't have a property because it is an error. it is the multiplication property of zero. The multiplication property of zero states that any number multiplied by zero is always zero.