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If it is a "square" area then you won't be looking for volume. However, if you are looking for the volume of a rectangular prism, it is simply:

Width * Length * Height = Volume

This simplifies to Length ^ 3 if you are trying to find the volume of a cube.

If you are looking for the volume a square area takes depending on it's height, you can just take the area and multiply it by the height as well.

(Width * Length) = Area

(Width * Length) * Height = Volume


Area * Height = Volume

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Q: How do you figure volume of a square area?
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It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

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That depends on the figure whose surface area and volume you're finding. You could try a Google search for "volume of [figure name]" or "surface area of [figure name]".

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Volume does not, surface area does.

What is the formula for volume for a square?

Volume is in 3D objects, so you should say volume for a cube. Area is for 2D objects, that is area for square. Volume for cube = side * side * side Area of square = side * side

How do you calculate volume of square?

A square has an area not a volume. Here are some equations for a cube and a square area of a square = length² volume of a cube = length³ Remember that units are very important.

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Area is to square feet as volume is to cubic feet.

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Depends on the figure.

How find the area of a square figure?

Area of a square: A=s*s A=s2