Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions
All fractions are rational numbers because irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions
You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.
Restate question: In working with equivalent fractions, how do you find a missing numerator?(If this is not your question, please resubmit your question with more information.)Example: Find an equivalent fraction for 2/5, with a denominator of 30.Solution: 2/5 = x/30. Since 30 = 5x6, you need to multiply the numerator by 6. 2x6=12.2/5 = 12/30.
-- Take the information given with the question. -- Think over what you know about fractions. -- Use the given information, combined with what you know about fractions, to find the missing information.
---- 3 fifths is equivalent to ? tenths
You can either convert fractions to decimals and compare the decimal numbers; find equivalent fractions with the same denominator and then compare numerators or find equivalent fractions with the same numerator and then compare denominators.
U can multiply
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.
It can help by when finding the LCD (Least Common Denominator) you find the least number they have in common then that number is your equivalent fraction.
Equivalent FractionsEquivalent Fractions are fractions that are equal. For example, 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, etc. Another example is 2/3, 4/6, 6/9, 8/12 and 10/15. To find equivalent fractions, multiply the top and bottom numbers of any fraction by the same number.
Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions
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Find theLeast Common Denominator (LCD)Find the equivalent fractions.Add or subtract the fractions and add or subtract the whole numbers.Write your answer in lowest terms.
All fractions are rational numbers because irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions
You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators, the first step is to find a common denominator. This involves finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. Once you have a common denominator, you can then add or subtract the numerators of the fractions accordingly.