Example: 30 and 42. Factor them.
2 x 3 x 5 = 30
2 x 3 x 7 = 42
The LCM is the combination of factors, eliminating duplicates.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210, the LCM
The LCM is 72.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 9 8 is 72.
The LCM is: 72
The LCM is: 630
The LCM is: 13,178
The LCM of a set of prime numbers is their product.
The LCM is 72.
You can find the GCF and/or the LCM of a set of numbers by comparing the prime factorizations of the individual members of the set.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 9 8 is 72.
The LCM of a set of numbers can never be smaller than the largest number in the set.
If you have two numbers, multiply them together and divide that total by the GCF. The result will be the LCM.
By finding their common prime numbers.
The LCM is not defined for any set of numbers that contains a zero.
The LCM will never be less than the GCF of a set of numbers.
The LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF.
The LCM is: 630
The LCM is: 168