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Q: How do you find an integer is 2 bytes?
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What does the reserved word Short mean in java?

A short is an integer that uses only 2 bytes, instead of the 4 bytes required by an int.A short is an integer that uses only 2 bytes, instead of the 4 bytes required by an int.A short is an integer that uses only 2 bytes, instead of the 4 bytes required by an int.A short is an integer that uses only 2 bytes, instead of the 4 bytes required by an int.

How many bytes take to the integer in c language?


How many bytes take an integer variable in C under windows?

A plain integer variable in C under windows is 2 bytes in 16 bit windows, and 4 bytes in 32 bit windows.

How many bytes is an integer variable?

It depends on the context. Each database and computer language define an "integer". In the C language an integer is defined by the hardware. It can vary from 2 to 8 bytes or more.

How many bytes of memory does an integer occupy?

4 bytes

How many bytes is billion?

4 bytes are enough to represent any integer in a range of approximately -2 billion, to +2 billion.

How many bytes takes on integer in windows and Linux?

Usually four bytes.

Maximum value of an unsigned integer is how many bytes?

Type size of an unsigned integer is compiler specific. Most compilers will provide 4 bytes, but the size can range from 2 to 8, or (again) whatever the implementation provides. Note: 1. Maximum value: UINT_MAX (in limits.h) 2. Size in bytes: sizeof (unsigned)

What do you mean by long integer and double integer?

Different computer languages use different amounts of memory to store integers. For example, C++ uses a minimum of 4 bytes, Java a min of 8 bytes. A long integer is one which is requires more bytes than the standard amount. When the storage requirement gets to twice the standard amount, the number becomes a double integer.

How many length required for an integer?

You mean how many bytes? It is sizeof (int) -- usually 4, on archaic platforms 2 (TurboC).

How many bytes are required to store an unsigned integer range?


How many bytes are required to store an address of an integer?

32 bits or 4 bytes. This depends heavily on the processor architecture your computer uses, AND the programming language you are using. Typically, an integer is 1 word in length, however that processor architecture defines "word". That could be 32-bits (4 bytes), 64-bits (8 bytes), 8-bits (1 byte), or even 9 bits (in certain old computers).