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You need to know diameter of each circle, which are different for each circle; each circle circumference is pi x diameter where pi = 3.14159

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Q: How do you find circumference of concentric circles?
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Concentric circles are circles within other circles. Some examples of concentric circles are archery targets, the bullseye on a dart board, the eye, a wheel with a hubcap.

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Do concentric circles have the same area?

Concentric circles have the same center. They are not necessarily the same size. If two concentric circles have the same area, then they are congruent, meaning they coincide when superimposed.

What word would you use to describe two circles of different radius but of the same center?

They are said to be concentric circles.

How do you find the circumference of circles?

The circumference of a circle = pi*diametre = 2pi*radius