Factorials are the product of 1 and all the integers up to the given number.
Simply put,
5 factorial or 5! = 5*4*3*2*1
i need a pic of cuson
#define fact(n) ( n == 0 ? 1 ; (n*(fact(n-1) ) ) )
/*program to find the factorial of a given number*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int fact(int); void main() { int n,c; printf("\n enter the number for which you want to find the factorial"); scanf("%d",&n); c=fact(n); printf("\n the factorial of the number %d is %d",n,fact); getch(); } int fact(int n) { int k; if(n==0) return(1); else k=n*fact(n-1); return(k); }
i need a pic of cuson
Pseudo code+factorial
#define fact(n) ( n == 0 ? 1 ; (n*(fact(n-1) ) ) )
/*program to find the factorial of a given number*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int fact(int); void main() { int n,c; printf("\n enter the number for which you want to find the factorial"); scanf("%d",&n); c=fact(n); printf("\n the factorial of the number %d is %d",n,fact); getch(); } int fact(int n) { int k; if(n==0) return(1); else k=n*fact(n-1); return(k); }
<html> <script language="vbscript"> n=cint(inputbox("Enter a number")) dim f f=1 if n<0 then Msgbox "Invalid number" elseif n=0 or n=1 then MsgBox "The factorial of given number "&n&" is :"&f else for i=n to 2 step -1 f=f*i next MsgBox "The factorial of given number "&n&" is :"&f end if </script> </html>
double factorial(double N){double total = 1;while (N > 1){total *= N;N--;}return total; // We are returning the value in variable title total//return factorial;}int main(){double myNumber = 0;cout > myNumber;cout
answer:32 programme to print factorial of a given number in c languages
no answer....pls post
If you have N things and want to find the number of combinations of R things at a time then the formula is [(Factorial N)] / [(Factorial R) x (Factorial {N-R})]
Take the total number of letters factorial, then divide by the multiple letters factorial (a and e). 7! / (2!*2!) or 1260.