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There are a number of ways that you could find a horizontally displaced object. You could for example just look.

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Q: How do you find horizontal displacement?
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A golf is hit and leaves the tee with a velocity of 25.0ms at 35.0 degrees with respect to the horizontal What is the horizontal displacement of the ball?

To find the horizontal displacement of the ball, you can use the equation of motion in the horizontal direction, which is given by: horizontal displacement = initial velocity * time * cos(angle). Given the initial velocity is 25.0 m/s and the angle is 35 degrees, the horizontal displacement can be calculated once the time of flight is known.

What is horizontal displacement as per directional drilling?

Horizontal displacement in directional drilling refers to the distance between the starting and ending points of a horizontal wellbore. It measures how far the wellbore has deviated from its vertical axis to reach a target location. Increasing horizontal displacement allows for accessing more reservoir area from a single drilling location.

What is the horizontal distance between called?

It is called the displacement in the horizontal direction.

What angle has the same horizontal displacment as 20 degrees?

20 degrees is a measure of angular displacement. This cannot be converted to lateral (horizontal) displacement.

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The vertical component of the cat's displacement is 5m (upward). There is no horizontal component as the cat only moved vertically.

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The formula for resultant displacement can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. It is given by: Resultant displacement = √(horizontal displacement^2 + vertical displacement^2)

What angle has same horizontal displacement as 25 degrees?


What is the horizontal displacement of a projectile?

The horizontal displacement of a projectile is the distance traveled by the projectile along the horizontal axis from its initial position to its final position. It is affected by the initial velocity of the projectile and the time it spends in motion. The horizontal displacement can be calculated using the equation: Horizontal displacement = initial velocity * time.

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Who displacment varies with time veticalliy or horizantoly?

Displacement that varies with time vertically is referred to as vertical displacement, while displacement that varies horizontally is known as horizontal displacement. This distinction is important in physics when analyzing the motion of objects in different directions.

What is the formula for getting the maximum height the horizontal displacement and vertical displacement in vertical projection?

If you are looking to get an object up the highest, shoot it straight up. If you want to go for a specific horizontal displacement, use the range equation. R = v2sin(twice the launch angle)/ g. g is the gravitaional constant, 9.8 meters per second. Use degrees for the angle. v is the launch velocity. R is the horizontal displacement. This formula only works if your start altitude and end altitude are the same, i.e. you must shoot over a level field.

When you graph the motion of an object you put on the horizontal axis and on the vertical axis?

On the horizontal axis you would probably plot the time. On the vertical axis you could plot displacement, velocity or acceleration.