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Q: How do you find out how many times does the number 5 appear on a digital clock in 24 hours?
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How many different times does the number 7 appear on a digital clock in 24 hours?


On a digital clock showing 24 hour time over a whole day how many times does a 5 appear?

The number 5 will appear 146 times in 24 hours.

What separates the hours from minutes on a digital clock?

A colon.

What time will appear on a digital clock 465 minutes after it shows two o' clock PM?

465 minutes is 7 hours 45 minutes so the time would show 9:45pm

Does a 12-hour digital clock stand for 12 or 24 hours?

12 hours,

How many times a day does the number 1 appear on a 24 hour clock?

An hour has 60 min. Assuming the clock has only the hour and minute displayed, every hour 1 would appear at 1, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,10,21,31,41,51. Counting 11 as once there are 15 1s in an hour. In the 24 hours, only 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23 have no 1 s in them. Therefore 1 aooears 165 times in those times. As for hours 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21, there is always a 1 in the clock. This makes 1 appear 12*60 times which is 720 times. Therefore in total, 1 appears 885 times in a digital 24 hour clock.

How do you find out how many times does 7 appear on a digital clock in 24 hours?

There are four digits on a digital clock. A seven will never appear in two of them. It will appear 6 times per hour (07, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57) and once each at 7 am and 7 pm, or 700 and 1700 if you're keeping military time. My best guess: 24 x 6 + 2 = 144

What is the clock with a seconds hours and minutes hand called?

Analog, as opposed to digital.

How many times will the digit 7 appears in a digital clock in 24 hours?

146 times.

Why is there a colon between the two numbers on a digital clock?

Why not? It separates hours from minutes. Would you prefer asterisks or what?

What are clock dials?

Clock dials are the face of a clock that display the hours, minutes, and sometimes the seconds using numbers, markers, and hands. They are typically made of materials like metal, plastic, or glass and are designed to be easily readable to indicate the time.

Why is a colon used to separate hours and minutes on a digital clock?

That's the way time is written in some parts of the world.