You can't work out the exact date of conception from a birthdate as babies can be born healthy at any time from 35-40 weeks after conception. If you had an early scan (before 12 weeks) and that gave you an estimated date you can work back 38 weeks from that and get a rough guide.
One can find a conception calculator on the "BabyMed" website. The BabyMed conception calculator and reverse pregnancy due date calculator helps you find the possible conception date retrospectively. Just enter your due date, and the pregnancy conception date calculator will calculate the exact possible dates when you got pregnant.
The Approximate date of conception is March 4th 2009.
It depends on when the due date is, rather than when the baby was born. However, if that was also the due date it would make the conception date roughly October 28th 2005, give or take a few days. However, it's difficult to accurately say when a conception date is.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
First, you need to give a date of birth
A conception date can never be 100% accurate
No. The conception date is about 9 months or 40 weeks before the date of birth.
From conception to the birth..depending on the expiration date on test....
Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.
The estimated date of birth is May 27th
The estimated date of birth is March 23rd
The approximate date of conception was March 31st
The estimated date of birth is October 26th
Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.
Early July 1991
The estimated date of birth is January 9th 2010.
Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.