The LCM is 72. The third LCM is 216.
The LCM is 42a2b2.
1617Express each number in its prime composition using power notation:147 = 3172231 = 3171111To find LCM, use highest power of each prime across the numbers:LCM = 3172111= 3 x 49 x 11= 1617
Note that 16X is a factor of 32X [16X times 2 is 32X]. So now whether it's (32X)^4 or 32 times (X^4), that will still be the LCM, so the answer is 32X to the 4th power, just as it's stated in the question.
Since 16x3 is a multiple of 4x, it is automatically the GCF of this problem.
LCM(5y3, 25y6) = 25y6
Find the LCM of the first two numbers and then find the LCM of that number and the third one. That answer will be the LCM of all three.
4x2 - 16x + 12
The LCM of 12, 16, 24, and 36 is: 144
The LCM is 72. The third LCM is 216.
LCM[(13b3)3, 7b2] = LCM[2197b9, 7b2] = 2197*7*b9 = 15379*b9
x2 + 48x + 320
x(x + 4)(x - 4) or x3 - 16x