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Okay, here's what you do.

Lets say you have 3 times: 7 (hours) :22 (minutes), 3:00, and 9:34.

  • divide the minutes by 60..................... This should give you .37 - .0 - .57, okay?
  • now add that to the hours (7.37, 3.0, and 9.57)
  • add them all together (19.94)
  • divide the sum by the number of terms (one term= something like 7.37)

The answer is 6.65.

But it's not quite over yet.

To convert it into minutes, multiply the decimal by 60.

6:39 is the final answer


-OR- Here is another way you can do it, I believe it is accurate:

EX) Here are the same 3 times from above: (Hours:minutes) 7:22, 3:00, 9:34

1. Add up all of the minutes (not including the seconds) 7+3+9 = 19

2. Multiply that amount by 60, to get it into seconds: 19 X 60 = 1140

3. Then add up all the seconds as a whole # to it. 1140 + 22 +0 + 34 = 1196

4. Divide that total #by 60 to get how many total minutes. 1196/60 = 19.9333 Then divide by the total number of terms 19.933/3 = 6.6444

5. Write down that whole number = 6

6. Subtract the whole number and mupltiply just the decimal number by 60 to get the correct amount of seconds. 6.6444 - 6 = .6444 X 60 = 38.666

7. Add THAT decimal to your whole number to get the average time of all the different times. 6.39 = average time

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