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Use a calculator or computer.

You could convert the angle from degrees to radians.

Then, if the angle is x radians,

cos(x) = 1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6! - ...

But be warned: this is an infinite series.

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Q: How do you find the cosine of a number?
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To find the logarithmic cosine in a logarithm table or log book, you would need to first look up the logarithm of the cosine of the angle given. Locate the logarithm value of cosine in the log book corresponding to the angle provided, and this will give you the result.

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You cannot. The cosine of 30 degrees is an irrational number.

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The cosine of 35 degrees is 0.82, to the same number of significant digits as 35.

How do you find the angle of a cosine?

You mean, you have the cosine, and want the angle? That is called arc-cosine, often written as cos-1x. Your scientific calculator should have a "shift" key or something similar, which you press, followed by the cosine key. That will give you the inverse cosine or arc-cosine.

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Cosine(30) = sqrt(3)/2

Which angle length does cosine give you?

Sides have lenght, angles do not. Cosine is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse. Cosine can be used to find either of these sides if the other is known.

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The maximum of the sine and cosine functions is +1, and the minimum is -1.

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For a right angle triangle:- hypotenuse = adjacent/cosine or hypotenuse = opposite/sine

What is cosine cubed?

It is cosine*cosine*cosine.