

Best Answer

To find the exact value you could:

  • use exact values rather than estimates - as inputs;
  • use exact formula instead of approximations,
  • use calculus.
There are other methods as well and the choice depends on the circumstances.

Then, if Y is your value and E is the exact value,

percentage error = 100*(Y - E)/E or 100*(Y/E - 1).

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Q: How do you find the exact value with percent error and your result?
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A high percent error refers to?

A high percent error indicates that a certain value is very far from the accepted value. Percent error is the comparison of an estimated value to an exact one.

Calculate the percent error if the Approximate Value is 1.24 and the exact value is 1.30 g?

It is -4.62%

What is the reason for percent error?

Percent error is used when you are comparing your result to a known or accepted value. It is the absolute value of the difference of the values divided by the accepted value, and written as a percentage. Percent error is equal to the difference divided by the known times 100 percent.

What is a percent error?

It is a measure measurement of the amount of error made in an experiment. It is obtained by comparing the actual result, with the result gotten from the experiment. % error = [(experimental value - true value) / true value] x 100

Percent error formula?

Divide the calculated or estimated error by the magnitude of the measurement. Take the absolute value of the result, that is, if it is negative, convert to positive. This would make the percent error = | error / measurement |.

How do you show percent error?

Percent error = (actual value - theoretical value) / theoretical value * 100%

What is the percent error formula?

Percent Error is the difference between the true value and the estimate divided by the true value and the result is multiplied by 100 to make it a percentage. The percent error obviously can be positive or negative; however, some prefer taking the absolute value of the difference. The formula is the absolute value of the experimental value (minus) the theoretical value divided by theoretical value times 100. % error = (|Your Result - Accepted Value| / Accepted Value) x 100

Can percent error be negative?

Sometimes you will take the absolute value of the percent error because your estimated number could be less than the theoretical, meaning the calculation is negative. But an absolute value is always positive. A percent error can be left as a negative though, and this would be perfectly acceptable (or even preferred) depending on what you're doing.Answer:In the sciences, a negative percent error indicates a low result. If you have a 0% error, then your observed (lab) result was exactly the same as the theoretical result. A 5% error could mean that your observed result was a little high. A negative percent error is possible; if your observed results were lower than the expected, then you would have a negative percent error. A -5% error could mean that your results were a little low. Having a negative percent error isn't worse than positive percent error -- it could mean the same thing. If you were to have a choice in having a 20% error and a -5% error, the negative percent error is more accurate.

Formula for percent error?

Percent Error = {Absolute value (Experimental value - Theoretical Value) / Theoretical Value }*100

Experimental value minus the accepted value is called the?

The difference between the experimental value and the accepted value is known as the experimental error. It helps to quantify how closely the experimental result matches the true value.

What is the formula for percent error?

The formula of percent error ispercent error= Your value/accepted value x 100------------The definition of error is: difference between the accepted true value and the measured value of a quantity or parameter. But this is the absolute error.The relative (percent error) is:(measured value - accepted true value) . 100/accepted true valueThis value is exprssed as a percentage - %.

What if the percent error is negative?

9f you are using the equation %error =[(oberved value - true value)/true value]x100 a negative percent indicates the observed value is less than the true value by the calculated percent.