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It i the smallest value in the data set and corresponds to the value of the left-most end of the whisker. Unless there were outliers, in which case it will be an "X" to the left of the left-whisker.

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Q: How do you find the minimum value of a box and whisker plot?
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What is the largest value called in a box and whisker plot?

maximum value

How do you find the mode in a box and whisker?

You cannot. The mode is not part of a box and whisker plot.

You want to construct a box-and-whisker plot from a data set What is the first thing you should do?

Box-and-whisker plots highlight central values in a set of data. In order to construct a box-and-whisker plot, the first step is to order your data numerically and find the median value.

What would the data set look like if you have only one whisker in the box plot?

If you do not have the left side whisker, it means that the minimum value and the lower quartile are the same. This means that the smallest 25% of the observations (or more) are all the same.If you do not have the left side whisker, it means that the minimum value and the lower quartile are the same. This means that the smallest 25% of the observations (or more) are all the same.If you do not have the left side whisker, it means that the minimum value and the lower quartile are the same. This means that the smallest 25% of the observations (or more) are all the same.If you do not have the left side whisker, it means that the minimum value and the lower quartile are the same. This means that the smallest 25% of the observations (or more) are all the same.

Can you find the mean median mode and range on a box and whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot cannot identify the mean or mode.

How do you find the minimum and maximum in a box and whisker plot?

Assuming no outliers, the two are the lowest (left-most) and the highest (right-most) values of the whiskers (not wiskers).

What is an example for a box and whisker plot?

the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS

How do you find the range in box and whisker plot?

The highest and lowest numbers in a box and whisker plot are shown by the two dots at the end of the "whiskers". To find the range, you must subtract the highest number from the lowest number.

What is a whisker plot?

Not sure about a whisker plot, but a box and whisker plot is a representation of statistical data for one variable (at a time).It consists of a rectangular shape, the "box", plotted against a horizontal value axis. The left side of the box is the lower quartile of the data and the right side is the upper quartile. The median divides the box.Extending out from both sides of the box are lines, the "whiskers", that reach to the minimum and maximum values.So, a box and whisker plot is defined byminumum,lower quartile (Q1),median (Q2),upper quartile (Q3), andmaximum.If there are outliers, they are usually excluded from the box and whiskers plot and are marked up separately as crosses.

What kind of graph or plot would you use to find the median age of the teachers at a school?

A Box and Whisker Plot.

How do you find clusters on a box and whisker plot?

You cannot, unless they are all outliers, and the plot records outliers separately.

A box and whisker plot has 4?

A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.