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Q: How do you find the number of real solutions of each equation using the discriminant?
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Using the discriminant determine the number and type of solutions for this equation?

There are an indeterminate number of invisible solutions.

How many real solutions does the following quadratic equation have by using the discriminant?

If the discriminant > 0 then 2 distinct real solutions.If the discriminant = 0 then 1 double real solution.If the discriminant < 0 then no real solutions (though there are two complex solutions).

What is the discriminant and how is it used to solve equations using the quadratic formula?

It is not to solve so much as to see the number of solutions and whether there is a real solution to the equation. b2 - 4(a)(c) A positive answer = two real solutions. A negative answer = no real solution ( complex solution i ) If zero as the answer there is one real solution.

Is there a solution to the equation 3x squared -6x equals -2 if so what is it?

Yes because when it is rearranged in the form of 3x2-6x+2 = 0 the discriminant b2-4ac of this quadratic equation is greater than zero which means that it will have two solutions. Using the quadratic equation formula will give these solutions for x as 0.422 or 1.577 both correct to three decimal places.

Using the word discriminant in sentence?

The discriminant of a quadratic equation helps determine the nature of its roots - whether they are real and distinct, real and equal, or imaginary.

Using the discriminant determine the number and type of solutions for 3x2-6x plus 30?

6^2 -4(3*30) = -96 meaning that the given quadratic expression has no real roots

What is equadtratic equation?

A quadratic equation normally has 2 solutions and can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula.

Explain how to identify whether an equation has no solution or infinitely many solutions?

An equation can be determine to have no solution or infinitely many solutions by using the square rule.

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Using the discriminant how many times does the graph of this equation cross the x axis 3x2 plus 6x plus 20?

In this case, the discriminant is less than zero and the graph of this parabola lies above the x-axis. It never crosses.

What is 9x2 equals 10x plus 2?

It is a quadratic equation and its solutions can be found by using the quadratic equation formula.

How do you find how many x intercepts the parabola has using the discriminant?

If the discriminant is negative, there are 0 interceptsIf the discriminant is zero, there is 1 interceptIf the discriminant is positive, there are 2 intercepts