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Do the following;- 1) Subtract the discount percentage from a 100 (e.g. 100-15) 2) Divide the answer by 100 3) Multiply the answer by the original price. Best of luck

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Q: How do you find the price on an item that has a discount on it?
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The regular price of an item is 79.99 the discount percent 15 percent find the discount and the sale price?

The discount value is $11.99 and the sale price is $67.99

How would you find the price of a discounted item if you only know the percent of the discount?

You could not. You need to know the pre-discount price as well.

How do you find the original price of discounted item?

You need to know the discounted price and either the discount amount or the discount rate. If you know the discount amount: Original Price = Discounted Price + Discount If you know the Discount Rate (percentage discount ): Original Price = 100*Discounted Price / (100 - Discount Rate)

What is the discount of an item?

the discount of an item is the reduced price of the market price.the discount is provided when enough goods of the product are not sold, so they sell it in the lesser price

Difference between trade discount and cash discount?

A trade discount occurs when an item is offered along with another item that is paid for. A cash discount is a reduction in the price of an item.

How do you do a math problem with discount?

To find the discount of something, you need to take whatever percent the discount is, turn it into a decimal, and multiply it by the price of the discounted item. Example: You want to buy something that is $10.00 The item has a 25% discount. take 10 and multiply it by .25 Discount: $2.50

The difference between the original price and the sale price of an item?


What is discount on an item?

A discount is a reduction of an item price either by a percentage or a fixed amount, resulting in net lower cost.

What is the amount by which the regular price of an item is reduced?

The discount.

If an item has a retail price of $475 and a discount of $45, what percentage discount is offered?


What is the difference between discount and price cut?

A discount on an item is a certain percentage off of an item. A price cut is a certain dollar amount off an item.For example,a $90 item, would be discounted at 30% which is $63.a $90 item, with a $30 price cut is $60

What is the price of a 24.00 item after a 10 percent discount?
