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A product is a binary operator. That means a product is the result of combining TWO numbers. You cannot have a product of just one number - whether it is a fraction or not is irrelevant.

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Q: How do you find the product of a fraction?
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What is to find the product of the numerator of one fraction and the denominator of the other fraction?

We call that cross multiplying.

What can you say about the product of a given fraction and a factor greater than 1?

The product will have the same sign as the given fraction. Also, if it is a proper fraction, then the absolute value of the product will be between the absolute value of the fraction and the factor.

How do you find the product of a fraction with whole numbers?

Just multiply the numerator by the whole number, and keep the same denominator. After you do that, chances are that you'll have to simplify the fraction to a mixed number.

Do you mulitiply the denominators?

First, multiply the numerators and write the product of the numerators above a fraction bar. Next, multiply the denominators and write that product underneath the fraction bar. You don't have to find a common denominator. You do, however, have to reduce your answer to simplest terms.

How do you find the product of a problem written as a fraction using the slash mark for the fraction bar?

To find the product of two fractions, multiply the top two numbers together and enter the total above or to the left of the slash, then multiply the bottom two numbers together and enter that total below or to the right of the slash.

When multiplying fraction by fraction the product will always be?

The only generalisation posible is that it will always be a rational number. The product can be positive or negative; it can be a fraction or an integer, it can be larger or smaller.

How do you write a fraction as a product of a whole number and unit of fraction?

how to write 6/9 as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.

What fraction and whole number with a product that is a whole number?

Any fraction can be multiplied by a whole number so that the product is a whole number. Simply multiply the fraction (in rational form) by its denominator.

How can you use reducing fractions to demonstrate that the product of a fraction and it's reciprocal is 1?

Reduce to breakpoint at that time your reciprocal will be equal to your product of fraction.

Find a proper fraction and a mixed number so that the product is greater than 1?

One solution is 3/4 and 11/2.

When multiplying fraction by fraction will the product be greater than or less than?

It is not possible to tell.

You multiply any fraction times its reciprocalwhat is the product GIve an example?

You flip it to a fraction