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Q: How do you find the radius of the circle when you know the center and a point on the circle?
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If you know the length of a radius of a circle how can you find the length of the diameter?

The diameter of a circle is 2 times the radius. The radius of a circle is the distance from any point on the circle to the center of the circle, and the diameter is the distance from one side of the circle to the opposite side, passing through the center.

How do you find the centre of a circle given part of a radius?

You would have to know the length of the radius. The center of the circle is at one end of the radius. If you just know where some part of the radius is, and not that the part touches the circle then you cannot know where the center is without at lest a point on the circumference.

What is the radius and the area of a circle?

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle. The area is the space within the circle. The formula to find the area is πr2. r stands for the radius of the circle. If you want to find the radius, you can work backwards from the area or the circumference, which is the perimeter of the circle. The formula for circumference is 2πr.

How do you find out if each point is on inside or outside of the circle?

Find the distance of the point from the centre of the circle. If the distance is - less than that radius then the point is inside the circle, - equal to the radius then the point is on the circle, and - greater than that radius then the point is outside the circle.

How do you get a radius?

# Find the center of the circle # Draw the line of the radius from the center to the circumference # Finish

Where do you find the radius?

A radius is the distance from the center point of a circle to the outside. To find the radius, you'd draw a line from the center of a circle straight out until it hits the circle itself, then measure the length of the line you just drew. If you are given a diagram where only the diameter is shown (the distance from one side of the circle to the other), just take half the diameter.

Describe the effect on the area of a circle when the radius is doubled?

the radius is from the center of the circle to the edge so that's how you find the radius.

How do you find the diameter and radius?

The radius is the measure from the exact center of the circle to any point on the edge. The diameter is the line from one side of the circle to another that passes through the center, it is twice the radius. Generally one or the other is shown when you're presented with a problem.

How do you find the center of a circle if you know the radius?

the radius is half of the diameter. and the middle of the circle is half way between this diameter.

If the area of the square is 72 find the radius?

Radius is a line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference.He told you! Btw smart a$$ There IS a radius of a SQUARE. You are STUPID.And btw the answer is 6

How do you find diameter when you have the radius?

The diameter of a circle is simply twice the radius of the circle. The radius is a line that starts from the center of the circle to the circumference of the circle. The diameter is a line that passes through the circle. diameter=2xradius

What is the relationship between the radius and the diameter?

The radius of a circle is half the length of the diameter. Scroll down to related links to find more about the diameter and the radius.