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For a circle the diameter can be found by dividing the circumference by pi. Once the diameter is found by squaring the radius multiplied by pi.

For a cylinder follow the previous method and multiply the answer by two. Multiply the circumference of the circle by the cylinder height. Add the two answers together.

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Q: How do you find the surface area when given a circumference?
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How do you find the surface area of a sphere when only given the circumference?

S = C2/pi where S is the surface area, C is the circumference.

How do you find the surface area of a cylinder when given the height and circumstance?

Entire surface area of a cylinder = (2*pi*radius^2)+(circumference*height) If you are given the circumference then radius = circumference/2*pi

How do you find the height of a cylinder if you have the circumference and the surface area?

you divide the surface area by the circumference.

How do you find the height of a cylinder when all your given is surface area and diameter?

Divide the surface area by the circumference of the circle, which is a product of the diameter x Pi. Essentially, an unrolled cylinder is a rectangle.

How do you find the circumference of a circle with the area given?

Square root (Area/pi) to get the radius Then 2xRadiusxPi= Circumference

How do you find the area of a cylinder using it's circumference?

Take the circumference and multiply it by it's height to get the lateral surface area.

How do you fin the surface area of a cylinder if you only have the height and circumference?

Find the radius by dividing the circumference by 2pi then find the area of the base and multiply it by the height

How can I find circumference when only area is given?

Radius = square root of (area/pi) Circumference = 2*pi*radius

How do you find the area when given circumference?

You can not find the circumference when only area is given. you need other details relating to shape. minimum parameter should be provided to find the required parameter.

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared find the diameter and then circumference of this circle?

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared, the diameter is 9.236 cm and the circumference is 29.02 cm

The surface area of a box when given the surface area height and peremeter?

It should be relatively easy to find the surface area of a box when you are given the surface area.

What is the height of a cylinder that has a diameter of 24 yards and a surface area of 1206 square yards and how do you find that out?

The circumference is 24*Pi yards.The surface area = circumference x heightthereforeheight = surface area / circumference = 1206 sq.yd. / 24*Pi yd. = 15.9951 yards or 16 yards (rounded).