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With difficulty if you don't know the methods and one of the methods is as follows:-

Let the points (k, 3h) and (3k, h) be (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectively:

(y-y1) over (y2-y1) = (x-x1) over (x2-x1)

(y-3h) over (h-3h) = (x-k) over (3k-k)

(y-3h) over (-2h)) = (x-k) over (2k)

Multiply both sides by -2hk to eliminate the fractions:

k(y-3h) = -h(x-k)

ky-3hk = -hx+hk

ky = -hx+hk+3hk

ky = -hx+4hk

The above straight line equation can be expressed as: hx+ky-4hk = 0

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Q: How do you form a straight line equation given only the points of k 3h and 3k h?
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