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Q: How do you get the value of cos pi?
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What is the exact value using a sum or difference formula of the expression cos 11pi over 12?

11pi/12 = pi - pi/12 cos(11pi/12) = cos(pi - pi/12) cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b) cos(pi -pi/12) = cos(pi)cos(pi/12) + sin(pi)sin(pi/12) sin(pi)=0 cos(pi)=-1 Therefore, cos(pi -pi/12) = -cos(pi/12) pi/12=pi/3 -pi/4 cos(pi/12) = cos(pi/3 - pi/4) = cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) cos(pi/3)=1/2 sin(pi/3)=sqrt(3)/2 cos(pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 sin(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) = (1/2)(sqrt(2)/2 ) + (sqrt(3)/2)( sqrt(2)/2) = sqrt(2)/4 + sqrt(6) /4 = [sqrt(2)+sqrt(6)] /4 Therefore, cos(pi/12) = (sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 -cos(pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 cos(11pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4

What is the derivative of cos pi x plus sin pi y all to the 8th power equals 44?

(cos(pi x) + sin(pi y) )^8 = 44 differentiate both sides with respect to x 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 d/dx ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (-sin (pi x) pi + cos (pi y) pi dy/dx ) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (pi cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin (pi x) ) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin(pi x) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx = sin(pi x) dy/dx = sin (pi x) / cos(pi y)

How do you proof that there is one and only one value of theta makes cos of theta equals 1 true?

You cannot prove it because it is not true! cos(0) = 1 cos(2*pi) = 1 cos(4*pi) = 1 ... cos(2*k*pi) = 1 for all integers k or, if you still work in degrees, cos(0) = 1 cos(360) = 1 cos(720) = 1 ... cos(k*360) = 1 for all integers k

What is x equals y squared over co sign times pi?

Either you mean "cos(x) multiplied by pi", (i.e pi*cos(x)) or "cos(pi)" (i.e cosine of pi), but it is unclear which you mean from the question. Please clarify.

What is the COS of Pi?


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What is the value of cos pi?

long number

What is the exact value of the expression cos 7pi over 12 cos pi over 6 -sin 7pi over 12 sin pi over 6?

cos(a)cos(b)-sin(a)sin(b)=cos(a+b) a=7pi/12 and b=pi/6 a+b = 7pi/12 + pi/6 = 7pi/12 + 2pi/12 = 9pi/12 We want to find cos(9pi/12) cos(9pi/12) = cos(3pi/4) cos(3pi/4)= cos(pi-pi/4) cos(pi)cos(pi/4)-sin(pi)sin(pi/4) cos(pi)=-1 sin(pi)=0 cos(pi/4) = √2/2 sin(pi/4) =√2/2 cos(pi)cos(pi/4)-sin(pi)sin(pi/4) = - cos(pi/4) = -√2/2

What is the exact value using a sum or difference formula of the expression cos 11pi over 12?

11pi/12 = pi - pi/12 cos(11pi/12) = cos(pi - pi/12) cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b) cos(pi -pi/12) = cos(pi)cos(pi/12) + sin(pi)sin(pi/12) sin(pi)=0 cos(pi)=-1 Therefore, cos(pi -pi/12) = -cos(pi/12) pi/12=pi/3 -pi/4 cos(pi/12) = cos(pi/3 - pi/4) = cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) cos(pi/3)=1/2 sin(pi/3)=sqrt(3)/2 cos(pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 sin(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) = (1/2)(sqrt(2)/2 ) + (sqrt(3)/2)( sqrt(2)/2) = sqrt(2)/4 + sqrt(6) /4 = [sqrt(2)+sqrt(6)] /4 Therefore, cos(pi/12) = (sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 -cos(pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 cos(11pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4

What is the value of cos pie4?

cos pi over four equals the square root of 2 over 2 This value can be found by looking at a unit circle. Cos indicates it is the x value of the point pi/4 which is (square root 2 over 2, square root 2 over 2)

What is the derivative of cos pi x plus sin pi y all to the 8th power equals 44?

(cos(pi x) + sin(pi y) )^8 = 44 differentiate both sides with respect to x 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 d/dx ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (-sin (pi x) pi + cos (pi y) pi dy/dx ) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (pi cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin (pi x) ) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin(pi x) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx = sin(pi x) dy/dx = sin (pi x) / cos(pi y)

What is value of Cos pi?

Assuming the angle is in radians - which is usually the case if your angle includes "pi" - then it is minus 1.

How do you proof that there is one and only one value of theta makes cos of theta equals 1 true?

You cannot prove it because it is not true! cos(0) = 1 cos(2*pi) = 1 cos(4*pi) = 1 ... cos(2*k*pi) = 1 for all integers k or, if you still work in degrees, cos(0) = 1 cos(360) = 1 cos(720) = 1 ... cos(k*360) = 1 for all integers k

What is the exact value of cos 7.5 pie divided by 6?


What is x equals y squared over co sign times pi?

Either you mean "cos(x) multiplied by pi", (i.e pi*cos(x)) or "cos(pi)" (i.e cosine of pi), but it is unclear which you mean from the question. Please clarify.

What is the derivative of cos pi x?


What is the derivative of sin pi x?

pi cos(pi x)

What is the COS of Pi?
