Multiply all factors on both sides of the equation by -1.
Alternatively you can multiply any term by (-1/-1).
Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive
+ x + =+ - x - = - + x - = - - x + = - When the signs are the same then it's positive when they are different then it's negative
If "x" is positive, "-x" is negative; if "x" is negative, "-x" is positive. Similarly, "x-1" can be positive or negative, depending on the exact value of "x".
positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative The same rules apply for dividing, since dividing is actually multiplying by the reciprical.
A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number
Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive
positive X positive = positive positive X negative = negative negative X positive = negative negative X negative = positive
Positive x negative = negative (Negative x positive = negative) Positive x positive = positive Negative x negative = positive So if the signs are the same the answer is positive and if they are different it is negative.
negative x positive = negative negative x negative = positive negative x negative x negative = negative negative x negative x negative x negative = positive .....
positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive negative x positive = negative
The result will always be negative. Positive X Positive = Positive Negative X Negative = Positive Positive X Negative = Negative
Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive
a negative x a negative= a positive, a positive x a positive= a positive, a negative x a positive= a negative, and a positive x a negative= a negative. Same thing with division. a negative divided by a negative= a positive, a positive divided by a positive= a positive, a negative divided by a positive= a negative, and a positive divided by a negative is a negative. U see?
+ x + =+ - x - = - + x - = - - x + = - When the signs are the same then it's positive when they are different then it's negative
rule where the answer will always be positive BECAUSE: Product means you're doing multiplication. positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative
If "x" is positive, "-x" is negative; if "x" is negative, "-x" is positive. Similarly, "x-1" can be positive or negative, depending on the exact value of "x".
Positive x Positive = Positive: 3 x 2 = 6Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-8) = 16Negative x Positive = Negative: (-3) x 4 = -12Positive x Negative = Negative: 3 x (-4) = -12