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Slope intercept is y=mx+b

Now, substitute 0 for x, and y=b. Plot the point (0,y)

Then, substitute 0 for y, this one is a bit more complex:


-b = mx

-b/m = x

Since you have those values for b and m, substitute them in and you will have your value for x. Plot the point (x,0).

Now for the fun part.... CONNECT THE DOTS!

And you're done, you've plotted the equation. You can also substitute other values for x and y, but I personally find 0 to be the easiest.

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Q: How do you graph an equation in slope intercept form?
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When should you use the slope-intercept form?

When you are trying to graph an equation.

Can you use a graph to write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form?


What is the slope intercept form for x-y-1?

The graph of an equation can have a slope and an intercept. Sadly, "x-y-1" is not an equation, so it doesn't have any.

Explain why the equation of a vertical line cannot be in slope-intercept form?

A vertical line on a graph has an infinite slope, and no y-intercept.

What is b in the slope intercept form?

b is where the line on the graph intercepts the y axis ( The vertical Line ) in a slope intercept equation

Is a graph of an equation the same as an inequality?

no the graph will be written in slope intercept form or y=mx+b

Which of the following is the slope-intercept form of the equation?

The slope-intercept form of the equation is y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept. It is used to graph linear equations easily.

How do you graph when there is no slope intercept form?

If you have anything that you're planning to graph, it's got to be an equation that has 'x' and 'y' in it. If you have an equation that has 'x' and 'y' in it and you're planning to graph the equation, then you've had enough elementary algebra to know how to solve the equation for 'y'. Do that first and bada bing, it'll be in slope/intercept form.

How do you graph when the equation is not slope intercept form?

To graph an equation that is not in slope-intercept form, you can use the process of finding points on the graph and plotting them. Choose a few x-values, plug them into the equation to find the corresponding y-values, and plot those points on the graph. Then, connect the points with a smooth line to complete the graph.

How do you graph a line in slope intercept for?

1) You write the equation in slope-intercept form, if it isn't in that form already. 2) An easy way to graph it is to start with the y-intercept. For example, if the intercept is +5, you graph the point (0, 5). Then you add an additional point, according to the slope. For example, if the slope is 1/2, you go 2 units to the right, and one up, and graph a point there.

What is the slope intercept form of this equation?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Without the specific equation, it is not possible to determine the values of m and b for the slope-intercept form.

What is the slope intercept form of a linear equation?

The general form is y = ax + b, where a is the slope, and b is the y-intercept. For example, the graph (line) of the equation y = 5x + 3 has a slope of 5, and cuts the y-axis at y=3.