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Consider the Complex Plane, with Real numbers along the horizontal axis, and Pure Imaginary numbers on the vertical axis. Any Complex number (a + ib) can be plotted as a point (a,b) on this plane. The point can be represented as a vector from the 'origin' (0,0) to the point (a1,b1). If the second 'complex vector' (a2,b2) is added to the first, this can be shown as a translated vector with it's 'tail' starting at the arrowhead of the first vector, and then the arrowhead of the second vector will terminate at the sum of: a1 + ib1 + a2+ ib2 [coordinate point: (a1+a2,b1+b2)

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Q: How do you graph the addition of complex numbers?
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Is addition of complex numbers commutative?

Yes, complex numbers obey the commutative property of addition.

Are complex numbers under addition and multiplication a field?

The complex numbers are a field.

How do you show continued numbers on a graph?

This is a graph of the numbers by the complex number formula (z-1)/(z+1) Refer to the related link.

Do the complex numbers for a group under binary operation ' plus '?

Yes, the complex numbers, as well as the real numbers which are a subset of the complex numbers, form groups under addition.

When are complex numbers closed under addition?

Quite simply, they are closed under addition. No "when".

When did Argand graph imaginary numbers?

The idea of graphing complex numbers was published by Argand in 1806. See related link.

How do you find complex zeros on a graph?

It's actually quite hard to graph complex numbers - you would need a four-dimensional space to graph them adequately. I believe it's more convenient to find zeros analytically for such functions.

HOW to do addition between two complex numbers?

Addition between complex numbers is very simple if the complex numbers are in standard form (real part and imaginary part separated); just add the real part and the imaginary part separately. For example: (3 + 2i) + (-5 + 3i) = (-2 + 5i)

How are complex numbers and real numbers related?

Complex numbers extend the concept of real numbers by introducing an imaginary unit, denoted as "i." Real numbers can be considered a subset of complex numbers with the imaginary part equal to zero. Complex numbers include both a real and imaginary component, allowing for operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

What are the numbers in division mutliplication addition subtraction?

You can have counting number in multiplication and addition. All integers are in multiplication, addition and subtraction. All rational numbers are in all four. Real numbers, complex numbers and other larger sets are consistent with the four operations.

Which set of numbers is closed under addition?

Natural (ℕ), integer (ℤ), rational (ℚ), real (ℝ) and complex (ℂ) numbers are all closed under addition.

Is the set of all complex numbers x that have absolute value 1 closed under addition?
