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Quite simply, they are closed under addition. No "when".

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Q: When are complex numbers closed under addition?
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Which set of numbers is closed under addition?

Natural (ℕ), integer (ℤ), rational (ℚ), real (ℝ) and complex (ℂ) numbers are all closed under addition.

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What is closed and not-closed under addition?

The set of even numbers is closed under addition, the set of odd numbers is not.

Why are odd integers closed under multiplication but not under addition?

The numbers are not closed under addition because whole numbers, even integers, and natural numbers are closed.

Is a rational number closed under addition?

No. A number cannot be closed under addition: only a set can be closed. The set of rational numbers is closed under addition.

Is the set of real numbers closed under addition?

Yes. The set of real numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. The set of real numbers without zero is closed under division.

Are real numbers closed under addition?

yes because real numbers are any number ever made and they can be closed under addition

Are complex numbers under addition and multiplication a field?

The complex numbers are a field.

Are rational numbers closed under division multiplication addition or subtraction?

Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. They are not closed under division, since you can't divide by zero. However, rational numbers excluding the zero are closed under division.

Is the set of odd numbers closed under addition?


Is the set of irrational numbers closed under addition?

no it is not

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