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-- make a list of 20 or 30 small numbers

-- one at a time, put each number in place of 'y', and figure out what 'x' is

-- mark a point at the pair of numbers you have for (x, y) on the graph

-- after a while, you'll start to see the graph take shape, and you can fill in the gaps between the points

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Q: How do you graph x equals equations Like x equals 7y2?
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Step 1: 3(7y2 + 24y - 16) Step 2: 3(7y - 4)(y + 4) Assuming original expression was equal to zero, y = 4/7 or -4

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shift 6... 4^8 I just clicked the superscript button on the bold/italics/underline row and then typed the number and it worked. The superscript button is the one with the A squared symbol.

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