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It depends in which shape you want to inscribe it e.g. circle, triangle, hexagon etc. If you provide more information, someone should be able to tell you.

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Q: How do you inscribe a square?
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Inscribe a circle in a square of side 30 mm?

A circle with radius 15mm will fit in a 30mm square. Find the intersection of the square's diagonals, that is the center of the circle.

How do you inscribe a polygon in a circle?

Use a compass to inscribe polygons in a circle.

Is the area of a circle bigger than the area of a square?

It depends on the diameter of the circle and the width of the square, if they are the same then the answer is no. If you draw yourself a square then inscribe a circle with a radius of half the length of a side of the square, the circle will fit inside the square but the corners of the square will be outside the circle. Thus by inspection the area of the square is larger than the area of the circle.

What tool is used to inscribe a hexagon inside a circle?

A pair of compasses and straight edge will suffice.

Inscribe a circle within a square How would you find the area of leftover parts of the square that is the parts of the square that are not within the circle?

Find the total area of the square: length times height. Next, find the total area of the circle: Pi times radius to the second power, or Pi(r squared). If you are doing this by hand, 3.14 is usually acceptable for Pi. Once you have the are of both the square and the circle (the area of the circle should be smaller than that of the square), subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square. The difference is the area of those extra corners of the square that the circle does not occupy. It is actually quite simple. This demonstrates the danger of thinking in words rather than pictures.

Related questions

Which of these tools or constructions is used to inscribe a square inside a circle?

Perpendicular bisector.

Inscribe a circle in a square of side 30 mm?

A circle with radius 15mm will fit in a 30mm square. Find the intersection of the square's diagonals, that is the center of the circle.

What is an example of a sentence using the word inscribe?

The artist decided to inscribe a meaningful message on the statue's base before it was displayed in the park.

True or False. A square s inscribe in another figure if each corner of the square touches he figure?

Not true. A square which is inscribed in a 5-pointed star shape, for example, will not be inscribed.

How do you inscribe a polygon in a circle?

Use a compass to inscribe polygons in a circle.

What is the perimeter of the largest rectangular in circle?

The largest diameter you can inscribe in a circle is a square. The square's diagonal is equal to the diameter of the circle; the length of the side of the square is therefore equal to the circle's diameter, divided by the square root of 2.

What is an example sentence using inscribe?

My boyfriend wanted to inscribe my name on his ring band, but my name was too long.Most High School Class rings will inscribe the student's initials on the inside of the band.To inscribe means to etch letters, words, or drawings onto the surface of an object.

Why is the area of a circle bigger than a square with the same perimeter?

It is not. If you draw yourself a square then inscribe a circle with a radius of half the length of a side of the square, the circle will fit inside the square but the corners of the square will be outside the circle. Thus by inspection the area of the square is larger than the area of the circle.

What is inscribe synonyms?


How do you use the word inscribe in a sentence?

And if I should die, he told us, I want you to inscribe my tombstone with the word... arghhh.

What is the root word for inscription?

Words that have the root 'scribe' are:ascribecircumscribedescribeinscribeprescribeproscribesubscribesuperscribetranscribe

What is the opposite of inscribe?

erase, obliterate