No. 14, an even number, is divisible by 7.
You have to times the number e.g: ( / = divide ) Number / 7 Inverse: number x 7 I think this is what you ment
Highest number is 7
No. 14, an even number, is divisible by 7.
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
You have to times the number e.g: ( / = divide ) Number / 7 Inverse: number x 7 I think this is what you ment
just dividing it
Highest number is 7
21/49 = 3/7 by dividing the numerator and denominator by its highest common factor which is 7
Their highest common factor is 7. Dividing both numbers by 7, gives you 2 over 27.
If you mean as in a whole number then it is 7
In principle, you can count backwards; or use some shortcut (such as calculating the number of days, dividing by 7, and obtaining the remainder).
If you are dividing and the denomenator is 0, then your answer will be undefined. (e.g. 7/0) If you are dividing and the numerator is 0, then your answer will be 0. (e.g. 0/7).