You divide the denominator into the numerator getting a decimal and u make a percent from the decimal.
As a decimal: 12.0 As an improper fraction: 12/1
It is 113/25 as an improper fraction
As an improper fraction: 126666667/100000000. As an improper fraction: 1 26666667/100000000. The denominator has as many zeroes as the original decimal as digits after the decimal point.
5.15 is already a decimal. It is 5 3⁄20 as a fraction, or 103/20 as an improper fraction.
You divide the denominator into the numerator getting a decimal and u make a percent from the decimal.
Make the mixed number into an improper fraction and then divide the numerator into the denominator and then move the decimal to the left two places!!!!!!!(:
As a decimal: 12.0 As an improper fraction: 12/1
It is 113/25 as an improper fraction
As an improper fraction: 126666667/100000000. As an improper fraction: 1 26666667/100000000. The denominator has as many zeroes as the original decimal as digits after the decimal point.
9.125% = 912.5 as a decimal and 1825/2 as an improper fraction
As an improper fraction it is simply 72/1 As a decimal it is simply 72.0
5.15 is already a decimal. It is 5 3⁄20 as a fraction, or 103/20 as an improper fraction.
Convert the decimal 4.5 to a fraction 4 1/2 As an Improper Fraction 4 1/2 = 9/2
2.666.... = 2 2/3 NB Note the use three or more full stops to indicate recurring to infinity. This is the mathematicians indication of recurring to infinity. NNB To convert a recurring decimal to a fraction. Let P = 2.666.... 10P = 26.6666... Subtract 9P = 24 ( Note the recurring decimal to inifinity subtract to zero). P = 24/9 Reduce the fraction P = 2 6/9 = 2 2/3 Done!!!! NB This cannot be done with an IRRATIONAL number. such as 'pi'.
3.63 is 363/100 as an improper fraction
If the number was rounded to 6 decimal places then the improper fraction would be 152/3