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From where you sit it seems so easy to see what is happening and think you know how to deal with it and that's a far cry than being involved in an abusive relationship. The victim (non-abusive parent) was brought up in a different era than you were and things were much different back then (little help) and abusers keep their victims in tight control so the victim is not made aware of the help they can actually get out there. Try talking to the parent and see if they will seek some help from a an abuse counselor. You can find out more by calling your local Mental Health in your area or by asking your doctor for help. The victim must feel they are ready for a change. By the way, there are lots of abused men out there as well. Women can be wicked little beasts and have throwing, scratching and kicking fits and most men are brought up not to hit a woman, so she gets away with most of it. Most men won't go for help because they feel no one would believe them .... after all, men are suppose to be the stronger sex. Abused men need to get over this and realize they too need some help to get away from their abusive partner. Good luck Marcy

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Q: How do you make a non-abusive parent realize that the whole point of abuse has to do with the attitudes and entitlements of the abuser rather than just going by what he does?
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What should you do if your abuser attempts suicide?

You need to call the police and give them all the information you can, perhaps notify an adult family member of the abuser if appropriate, and then accept that there is nothing else you can do. The abuser needs professional help- he is not your responsibility. His attempts may not be real and he may be just trying to manipulate you.

Le numero de telephone de tal?

son numero et le 0621711109 faut quand meme pas abuser aller kiss

Can men who abuse their spouses change?

I will never say anything is impossible. I will say...most people don't change too easily. Abuse of a spouse is a power thing...and the desire for the same level of power will always be there. Once someone has crossed the boundaries into the disrespect it takes to abuse someone's very hard to go back. No matter how hard one tries. Past instances I've seen show...even if the abuser tries hard to change...and is on their best behavior for a while...they will eventually go back to abusive practices. I agree with the previous response. Anyone can change but it takes a GREAT deal of work, honesty within yourself and the ability to face the truth of what type of person you are. People do not change without real work whether they are abusive or not. It is only when the abuser sees how destructive their pattern of relating is can change occur. They have to stop traveling the smooth road of denial and turn onto the rough terrain of accountability. God Bless Depends what are the cause and source of the abuse. If the abuser suffers from a personality disorder, for instance, the prognosis is poor. Well I shamefully admit that I was an abuser. I emotionally and verbally abuser her for most of our 5 yr marriage. She left me and at the time I had no idea the level of abuser I was. I love her very much and still do. I was so ashammed of what I had been like toward her. First things first, to answer the question.....YES...but it does take a great deal of effort and desire. I have been involved with several group and one on one therapy sessions. I have dropped my pride and really allowed myself to become vulverable. It has been the most painful experience of my life. Thing is, I will continue to learn,grow,change,develope, and become a much better man, father, husband, and son. I am ashammed of the attitudes and behaviours I demonstrated towards her. I have only myself to blame and knowing this I wanted to change for me.I will pray,hope, and maybe with time will be given the opportunity to regain her love and trust. I never meant to be that way, I honestly didn't know how or why I was being. When I discovered it, I fell to the floor and cried like a baby, even after she left. I couldn't believe I had been so cold and demanding. If a man is sorry and really allows therapy to sink in, YES change is possible. My only question is......."is it too late for her to ever love and or trust me again?"

Why are feelings of guilt and self doubt so strong when one tries to get rid of their abuser even though one has had enough?

Well, let me start by saying guilt and doubt is always two of the many things that are your worst enemy. im going to admit, ive never had much self confidence myself lately. but you must always have confidence and stand up for yourself, espicially when an abuser is involved. self doubt can be a strong source of weakness, so you must always have confidence. an abuser tries to make you feel like you aren't good enough, your a waste when really, your a totally amazing person. youve had enough right?! so show that! prove that you've had enough! maybe the reason self doubt and guilt are so strong is because abuse is all you have ever known. dont doubt yourself. youll get through one way or another.

What conversational tactics can one use to get an abuser to talk about the problem?

you should not be mean you should be nice and glorify God while u be nice! because we are all going too die and go to heaven or hell. today is the day of salvation! i got saved at bakers! First, unlesss you are a counselor or shrink you should do nothing. This is for professionals only. Second, even if you are one of the above you should not do anything unless the person asks specifically for your help. It's none of your business and you might make them real mad. Maybe to the point of violence. You say they are an abuser so you need to watch it. Third, if you know for sure that the person has become violent with someone you need to report it to the Police. It's their job to take care of it not yours. Sorry if I seem harsh but... you know.

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How do you convince someone that although stress or fatigue can magnify abuse the root cause is actually the abuser's attitudes and entitlements?

All you can do is offer them the ideas and any information that may support your opinion. Perhaps suggest counselling, but otherwise it is up to the individual to realise these things for themselves. goodluck

How do you make your husband realize he is an emotional abuser?

tell him or record it and make him listen to it

How do you not let your abuser's family get to you?

Realize how worthless they are and that type of people usually stick together.

How does a previous abuser respond when they realize you have gotten on with your life and are now happy without them?

Depends on the abuser - but most of them become furious. They can't countenance your newly found autonomy, freedom, and independence. They refuse to believe that there is life after them!

Was David Pelzer a child abuser?

No he is not a child abuser.

When was Love Your Abuser created?

Love Your Abuser was created on 2007-01-30.

If you know the phone number of an abuse counselor or abuse expert how can you convince a non-abusive family member to see him without them thinking you just want him to make the abuser look bad?

You should go see the abuse counselor first and get some idea of what he or she is able to do for you. Once you get some positive, constructive tools in dealing with abuse and can show (maybe) that you are trying to help the abuser as well as the abused, the family member may realize that you are not just trying to make the abuser look bad. ~ T

How What if your ex husband abuser get remarried and look not abuser to new wife?

Give him time. He will.

Why is it not OK to expose the very people that use abuse and control their victim until the victim sees what is happening and realizes shes been scammed by narcissistic ego maniac on the prowl again?

It is OK to expose the person that uses abuse to control their victim, but it is the victim that has to report their abuser. Like any abuser whether narcissistic or has a large ego others do see these flaws in the abuser, but in many cases the victim at the beginning (unaware) often refuses to believe what others have to say about their abuser until the victim finds out the hard way. Many victims can feel ashamed or angry that it took them so long to figure out that the person they loved is an abuser, but abusers are extremely sly when it comes to luring their victims into their web. There is not much you can do about the abuser if you have left him, but you should get help from an Abused Woman's Center or a psychologist to learn the signs of abusive behavior so you do not make the same mistake twice. There are often small signs from an abuser from the beginning such as perhaps telling you what to wear; order your meals at restaurants and then slowly they alienate you from your family and friends. Then the abuser has you under their complete control and that is when the victim sees the ugly side of their abuser. You can tell anyone you like what the abuser is like and some will believe you and others will not or you can move forward in your life and realize you have learned from the bad relationship and will not make the same mistake again. Generally abusers will be caught at their own game.

When was Love Your Abuser Remixed created?

Love Your Abuser Remixed was created on 2008-09-23.

What are the evils of the computer?

The computer in and of itself is not evil, it is an inanimate object. The user is the abuser and it is the abuser who causes the evil.

What actors and actresses appeared in Abuser - 2009?

The cast of Abuser - 2009 includes: Sergio Montoya Gino Montoya