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Fill a container three times using the 7-liter jar (which will give you 21 liters), then take out water with the 11-liter jar (which will give you 10 liters).

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Q: How do you measure 10 liters of water from a 7 liter jar and a 11 liter jar that are both filled with water?
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First, fill the 9-liter bowl and pour it into the 4-liter bowl until it is full. This leaves 5 liters in the 9-liter bowl. Next, empty the 4-liter bowl and pour the remaining 5 liters from the 9-liter bowl into it. Finally, fill the 9-liter bowl again and pour 3 liters into the 4-liter bowl until it is full. This will leave exactly 6 liters in the 9-liter bowl.

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Here's a step-by-step solution: Fill up the 5-liter jar completely with water. Pour the water from the 5-liter jar into the 3-liter jar until the 3-liter jar is full. Now, you are left with 2 liters of water in the 5-liter jar. Empty the 3-liter jar. Pour the 2 liters of water from the 5-liter jar into the 3-liter jar. Fill up the 5-liter jar again. Pour enough water from the 5-liter jar into the 3-liter jar to fill it completely (this will take 1 liter). Now, you are left with 4 liters of water in the 5-liter jar, which gives you the required 8 liters of water.

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