You multiply the numbers like usual, but when putting in the decimal you move it one digit left for every digit right of it in the original numbers. Example:
if you multiply .4x.4, 4x4 is 16, and you move the decimal 2 digits over (because of the position of the fours are past it) and it becomes .16
you have to mulitiply the down part and the right or left part
If that's 3/5 x 6/7, the answer is 18/35
to do this is that you do the simple steps for example divide mulitiply subtract bring down
Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division collectively kown as computation
The angle sum of a triangle is 180. 180(n mulitiply by 2) 180 mulitiply by n= answer
Change it to a decimal and then multiply it.
To find 48% of a number, multiply the number by 0.48
you have to mulitiply the down part and the right or left part
you multipy a fraction by taking a number and mulitiply the same number to the numerator and denominator and get ur answer
you have to multiply that # twice soo like 56 with an exponent of 3 is 50 times 50
If that's 3/5 x 6/7, the answer is 18/35
to do this is that you do the simple steps for example divide mulitiply subtract bring down
terminating decimals and repeating decimals
there are 236 milliliters in 8 fluid ounces. if you mulitiply 8 x 29.5