As normal: numerator x numerator over denominator x denominator:
eg 4/9 x 6/9 = 24/81 which can be simplified to 8/27
No. To multiple fractions multiple the numerators together and multiply the denominators together and simplify (by dividing both numerator and denominator of the result by common factors until the only common factor is 1). The denominators only need to be the same when adding or subtracting fractions.
You must change the denominators so they are the same: eg 5/12 - 1/8 first multiply 5/12 by 2 = 10/24 then multiply 1/8 by 3 = 3/24 now both fractions have the same denominators, subtract 3 from 10 10/24 - 3/24 = 7/24
you don't do anything. you just multiply it together unless on the numerator you can reduce it with one of the denominators. ================================= On the remote chance that perhaps you find the first answer unclear, here's another explanation: To multiply two fractions: -- Multiply their numerators. That product is the numerator of the answer. -- Multiply their denominators. That product is the denominator of the answer. -- Now you have the answer. It may be possible to simplify it (reduce it to lower terms). It's not necessary for the original two fractions to have the same denominator. Just follow the same two easy steps to multiply the fractions, whether their denominators are the same or different.
The numerator and denominator of a product of fractions are simply the products of the numerators and denominators respectively. That is, a/b * c/d = (a*c)/(b*d). The denominators can be the same or different - that is irrelevant.
First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).
Yes. When multiplying and dividing fractions your denominators do not have to be the same. The denominators only haveto be the same if you are subtracting or adding them.
In order to add fractions, they must have the same denominators. If the fractions you wish to add do not already have the same denominators, they can be made to do so by finding the right number by which to multiply both the numerator and the denominator of each fraction. To find this number, multiply all the distinct denominators together, then multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by a number found by the dividing the product of the distinct denominators by the denominator of the particular fraction concerned. All the fractions will then have the same denominator. Add the numerators of such fractions together to find the numerator of the sum; its denominator will be the one common to all the fractions.
Exactly the same as you do when multiplying fractions with different denominators. -- Multiply numerators . . . the product is the numeratore of the answer. -- Multiply denominators . . . the product is the denominator of the answer.
Multiply or divide both the numeraters and the denominators the same using GCF.Then look at the numeraters. Good luck!!!!!!!
No. To multiple fractions multiple the numerators together and multiply the denominators together and simplify (by dividing both numerator and denominator of the result by common factors until the only common factor is 1). The denominators only need to be the same when adding or subtracting fractions.
You must change the denominators so they are the same: eg 5/12 - 1/8 first multiply 5/12 by 2 = 10/24 then multiply 1/8 by 3 = 3/24 now both fractions have the same denominators, subtract 3 from 10 10/24 - 3/24 = 7/24
you don't do anything. you just multiply it together unless on the numerator you can reduce it with one of the denominators. ================================= On the remote chance that perhaps you find the first answer unclear, here's another explanation: To multiply two fractions: -- Multiply their numerators. That product is the numerator of the answer. -- Multiply their denominators. That product is the denominator of the answer. -- Now you have the answer. It may be possible to simplify it (reduce it to lower terms). It's not necessary for the original two fractions to have the same denominator. Just follow the same two easy steps to multiply the fractions, whether their denominators are the same or different.
The numerator and denominator of a product of fractions are simply the products of the numerators and denominators respectively. That is, a/b * c/d = (a*c)/(b*d). The denominators can be the same or different - that is irrelevant.
First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).
The LCD of two fractions is the same as the LCM of their denominators.
It's the same thing as adding or subtracting normal fractions - just make sure both fractions have the same denominators (by either multiplying the denominators or simplifying the fraction - whichever the question needs).