your dumb if you don't know how to round decimals on a number line
If you place them properly then the smallest will be on the left, and they will be in increasing order until the largest on the right.
To order fractions and decimals, you can either write them all in the same form and then compare them, or place them on a number line. Recall that numbers increase in value as you move from left to right along a number line.
You see which tick is nearer to the point on the number line.
your dumb if you don't know how to round decimals on a number line
If you place them properly then the smallest will be on the left, and they will be in increasing order until the largest on the right.
by ordering it like a number line. negatives goes first then positive. but the placing of the numbers are also included
To order fractions and decimals, you can either write them all in the same form and then compare them, or place them on a number line. Recall that numbers increase in value as you move from left to right along a number line.
You see which tick is nearer to the point on the number line.
fractions are represented in form of decimals
The easiest way it to convert them all to decimals. Carry out the repeating decimals to an equal number of places. Then it is easy to put them in order.
Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.
First, you draw a number line. You then make points for the counting numbers, and place the mixed numbers and decimals between these points, getting their own points and labels.
First, you calculate it to the desired number of decimals. Then you place it on the number line in the usual manner.
Real numbers are compared by distance from zero That means converting numbers to decimals to determine which number is greater and putting these decimals in order from least to greatest or ordering the corresponding real numbers. I posted a link as an example.