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Q: How do you prove that 2n is greater than n by mathematical induction?
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It's simply called the "greater than" symbol.

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is greater than zero

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greater than > less than < Point the big end towards the bigger value.

When alternator will act as induction generator?

when its speed becomes greater than the synchronous speed.

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What are the steps in mathematical induction?

Step 1: Formulate the statement to be proven by induction. Step 2: Show that there is at least one value of the natural numbers, n, for which the statement is true. Step 3: Show that, if you assume it is true for any natural number m, greater or equal to n, then it must be true for the next value, m+1. Then, by induction, you have proven that the statement (step 1) is true for all natural numbers greater than or equal to n. Note that n need not be 1.

What is the mathematical sentence written with a greater than less than or not equal to sign?

It is an inequality.

What would one use the greater than symbol for?

The greater than symbol is typically a mathematical symbol declaring that one given value or number is greater than another given value or number. One would use this symbol for certain mathematical applications, as well as to indicate in any circumstance that one things value is greater than another.

How do you prove that the efficiency C arnot is greater than 1?

You don't. Such an efficiency can be less than 1, but it can't be greater than 1.

Difference between induction motor and induction generator?

in case of induction motor the rotor speed is less than synchronous speed giving positive slip but in case of generator the rptor speed is greater than synchronous speed giving negative slip.......