By the reflexive property of equality, a number is equal to itself: a = a. For example, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, -3/4 = -3/4 etc.
Since x is a variable that represent numbers, then x is equal to itself: x = x.
Suppose that x = x is a false statement.
If x = 1, by the substitution property of equality, 1 can replace x.
So we have 1 = 1 which is a true satement. Therefore, x = x cannot be a false statement. Thus, x = x is true.
If: x = x
Then: x-x = 0
This would be a real bear to prove, mainly because it's not true.
It is extremely difficult to prove things which are not true.
You can't prove it, because it's usually not true.The only time it's true is when x=0 .
This would be a real bear to prove, mainly because it's not true.
It is extremely difficult to prove things which are not true.
You can't prove it, because it's usually not true.The only time it's true is when x=0 .
You can't. tan x = sin x/cos x So sin x tan x = sin x (sin x/cos x) = sin^2 x/cos x.
sinx*secx ( secx= 1/cos ) sinx*(1/cosx) sinx/cosx=tanx tanx=tanx
Cannot prove that 2 divided by 10 equals 2 because it is not true.
What divided by 7 equals 8? In other words, you have an unknown number (X), and then if you divide that X by 7 you get 8. Then what is that X? The equation to calculate what divided by 7 equals 8 is as follows: X/7 = 8 Where X is the answer. When we solve the equation by multiplying each side by 7, you get get: X = 56 Therefore, the answer to what divided by 7 equals 8 is 56.
If xyz=1, then it is very likely that x=1, y=1, and z=1. So plug these in. 1=logbase1of1, 1=logbase1of1, 1=logbase1of1. You end up with 1=1, 1=1, and 1=1. That's your proof.
It is NOT equal. Try calculating tan x, and tan 6x, for a few values of "x", on your scientific calculator. Perhaps you are supposed to solve an equation, and see FOR WHAT values of "x" the two are equal?
I Think it's possible. Here's the proof. X2 - X = X(X-X) X2 - X = (X+X) (X - X) X(X-X) = (X+X) (X- X) X=2X [SINCE (X-X) gets cancelled on both sides] 1=2