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That depends how the circles are placed on the page and what lines are defined between the circles.

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Q: How do you put 1 to 11 into circles so that every line is the same total?
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Can you put the odd digits 9 to twenty-five in the circles so that every line has the same total?

It depends on the configuration of the circles!

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Is the center of a circle the point of intersection for two concentric circles?

Concentric circles are the circles with the same center therefore they do not cross with each other as the "center is not considered a point on the circle". An exception would be two circles that are concentric and have the same radius, in which case the circles are indistinct and every point of the circles is an intersection.

There are two circles on large and one small what one has the greater mass?

A circle is a 2-dimensional plane figure composed of a line segment on which every point is the same distancefrom a single point that is not on the line segment. As such, a circle has area but no mass.

What are circles with the same radius?

Circles with the same radius are congruent circles.

Circles in the same plane with the same center?

Circles in the same plane with the same center are concentric circles.

Is the line of latitude 20 degree north?

The equator is the line of zero latitude, and it circles the 'middle' of the earth. For every latitude number between zero and 90 degrees, there are two lines with the same number ... one north of the equator and one south of it.

Are circles in the same plane and having the same center congruent circles?

Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.

Put the numbers 1 to 7 in the circles so that each straight line of three numbers adds up to the same total?

2 7 3 4 5 1 6

What are Circles having same centre but different radii called?

Concentric circles are circles with the same common centre.

Is every parallel line the same length?


Are all circles similar?

Yes, all circles are similer, they all have 1 line, all the same shape, any quarter of a circle will always be 25%, but it the line is bigger they still have differances and similarities, e.g a circle can have a radius of 25cm while another can have a radius of 93984389569349billion miles